Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mastering Time Tables with Fun

When has one ever enjoyed rote memorizing? If you forget just one point or a particular figure the entire thing falls apart. Interesting things never leave our mind and it is more so for children who like to learn the fun way. Pictorial memory is retained better and is definitely more interesting. The Abacus as a tool for mental calculation has been proved by studies to be an effective method of brain development. The benefits of using the abacus to calculate have a bearing not just on this particular area but also on other walks of life too.

Rote Memorization of tables is a very tedious process that the child is obviously apprehensive to it. Learning the tables with the Abacus is a fun way because the retention is better for the child with the pictorial memory. Otherwise if the child forgets just one figure in the time tables then he is sure to get confused about the whole sequence. The Chinese abaci were designed with a special suanpan technique to specially make the multiplication process easier to handle.

According to researchers visual memory is a very crucial aspect of learning. For learning tables with the abacus the children will use both their hands for moving the beads. The synchronizing movement of the hands initiates the cell development in the brain and also utilizing the right part of the brain which is very important to actually master something.

The human brain is divided into two parts the left brain and the right brain. What is used by children most of the times is only the left brain and the right brain which is the actual seat and origin of intelligence is left unutilized. This very important part of the brain integrates whatever information is received and is also responsible for thinking and creative human activities. The learning of time tables through the abacus is one of the many activities that prompts simultaneous activity of the both the parts of the brain.

The use of the abacus is not just a better method for learning time tables over rote memorizing but also the abacus being an attractive tool manages to capture the undivided attention of the child too. It eliminates the phobia attached to tables and makes the processing of numbers a relatively easy activity for them.

Numerical memory and improvement of the spatial arrangement of memory are most enhanced by the use of the Abacus. Apart from that the skill of solving general mathematical problems of the elementary school grade are seen to improve too. The facts stated here are backed by results of tests conducted among children, one group using the Abacus method and the other group without this method. The group using the Abacus method was more efficient naturally as they correlated the calculation with the Abacus image in their minds and were not confused.

So choosing the abacus method for your children will definitely give you the satisfaction of ensuring for them a better future. This will be by making their basics strong right from the beginning. Go ahead get the abacus advantage for your child and recommend it to other people as well so as to pave the way for a sound and confident future for the young generation.

Anu Sindhwani focuses on researching mental math techniques. She writes extensively on mental math nurturing minds for early childhood brain development. For more information can be found at the and Blog30379
Camala Blog18872

Computer Desks: Do They Have To Be Expensive?

The answer, plain and simple, is no; computer desks do not have to be expensive. With so many different options on the market today and such a large number of retailers to choose from, there is a price range to fit anyones budget. And with a variety of styles and materials available, it is not necessary to give up quality for an affordable price.

Shoppers will find computer desks ranging in price from $100 for a basic computer workstation to over $1000 for an executive-style desk with many accessories and amenities. This pricing will primarily be dependent on the materials and craftsmanship of the desk. Desks are now constructed of a wide range of materials from particle board and laminates to solid wood. Glass and metal can also be found in many of the contemporary styles.

The old adage has always been "you get what you pay for", implying that the more money you spend, the better quality of the product. While this is true to a certain extent (a solid wood desk is of better quality and certainly priced higher than one made of laminates and particle board), the principle does not hold true in all instances. Say a high quality, solid wood computer desk is available at a local retailer for $1000. That exact same desk is also available through an online retailer for $750, with free shipping and a lifetime warranty. Obviously, the $750 desk is the better value and of no lesser quality simply because it was the lower priced option.

The retailer from which a computer desk is bought can add value to your purchase as well. Consumers should look into such items as delivery charges (some will offer free delivery), warranties, and customer loyalty programs (discounts or rewards based on volume of purchases). The reputation and longevity of the retailer should also be considered when making a large purchase. After all, a warranty is only as good as the company that makes it.

Online retailers, commonly referred to as e-tailers, can often offer higher quality furniture at a more reasonable price due to their lower overhead no storefront to maintain and no salespeople to pay. Some offer free shipping and lifetime warranties on all orders. Another benefit to shopping online is that e-tailers are able to offer a broader variety of products and price ranges. This makes it easier for the consumer to shop and compare a number of products from a single website.

There is no need to give up good quality office furniture in exchange for an affordable price. Smart shopping can land you the computer desk you want and still keep you within the needs of your budget. Furnishing your office with high quality products certainly does not have to be expensive if the consumer is connected with the right retailers.

By Pat Stevens sponsored by who sells quality office furniture such as desks, file cabinets: and more. Please link to this site when using this article.Adelice Blog94017
Alexina Blog12181

A World of Knowledge - World Book Encyclopedia

I am a literary person. Ever since I was a child, I have never stopped the search for different books. I have always been interested in fiction, science, poetry and so on and so forth. When I hear the words, World Book Encyclopedia I always recall my childhood. First, I went through all the kid classics I was able to find at home. Then I went over to books with the adult content. I ate up the encyclopedias we had, The Compton Encyclopedia. Then after a short search at our local library, I found The World Book Encyclopedia.

While I was used to reading every book I found, my brother had another hobby. He only use to read encyclopedias. He loved to settle in an easy chair, put his feet up and start with the A page of the encyclopedia. I was always surprised that he would not stop reading until he finished the last page of the encyclopedia. When he finished the volume, he went on to the next volume. My brother never wanted to talk. I press the words he never talked. My mother used to say that he only grunted. He used to give a grunt if someone greeted him.

There was something queer about my brother but he was a genius. He attended college in Alaska. Then he went on to Military Intelligence. Then he went on to reading all-available encyclopedias The World Book Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Brittanica, and the Columbia Encyclopedia. He had isolated himself to read encyclopedias.

At the same time, I was dreaming about writing. Maybe his passion for reading made me a dreamer. I only thought about the kinds of writing I would do when I grew up. My boldest dream was to write encyclopedias.

When I graduated from college and I became a teacher at a college, I completely abandoned this writing dream. I started writing for a living. First, I decided to search how to be a freelancer. I was not keen on the idea but I needed to do something for a living. Fortunately, while I was searching I encountered a call for writers to submit to a literary encyclopedia. I remembered my old dream I applied but soon I forgot about it. I have always dreamt to be the World Book Encyclopedia writer. In order to make a living I went on to write web content.

I was very surprised one day when one day I got an email from the editor of a publishing house. He offered me to write book review, then literary surveys for an online academic literary library database. At that moment, I was the happiest man on the planet. I have encountered the one of the best jobs I can think of.

At the present time, my brother works as an MIS. He has not lost his passion to read encyclopedias. Now, he has moved to reading The World Book Encyclopedia online. I believe that you will ask me whether he has started to talk. The answer is no, he has not. He even sends me e-mail quite rarely. I understand him. He doesnt need to talk. We are busy people, whether reading The World Book Encyclopedia, or writing entries for The World Book Encyclopedia, and we cannot afford to waste time. Thank God for the Internet. Otherwise, he would never call me.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning books. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog7726
Alie Blog17127

Cost Effective Online Marketing Strategies for Veterinarians

Standard advertising practices are so important; having an ad in the yellow pages of your phone book or newspaper does a tremendous amount to bring in new business. However, what do you do to differentiate yourself from all the other veterinarians listed in the same yellow pages? A pretty ad does not tell potential clients that you are better then the next guy with a DVM after his name.

These days more pet owners are researching their pets health information online. Internet marketing should be a part of your overall marketing campaign, and can be done successfully for little or no money. Make the most of this medium by following a few easy steps:

Your Website

You do have a website dont you? If you dont, you should. A website can tell potential clients so much more about your practice, your staff, your standards of care, and so much more. This is where the potential client can really get to know your veterinary practice in a way the ad in the yellow pages just cant do. You dont have to spend a great deal of money to build your website. If you dont want to hire a website development firm, talk to your staff members chances are one of them has some web developing skills and can produce quite a nice and effective website for you. There are also many website templates online that have beautiful animal and veterinary themes, which allow you to simply add your content, without a bunch of coding.

Become An Expert

Yes, you are already a professional, and by all means, an expert in veterinary medicine, but so is that next guy with the DVM. Therefore, you need to show potential clients that you are more of an expert then that next guy. How do you do that? Its quite easy actually, and costs nothing, you simply write articles. Writing articles and submitting them to online animal health websites is the best way to become an expert at any subject and it costs nothing but your time. Many of the expert veterinarians got that way by writing for the journals and the trade publications but potential clients do not read these veterinary trade publications and journals. You need to become an expert to the pet owners by writing articles for the consumer.

Take Dr. Alice Villalobos for example, writing an oncology column for one specific veterinary trade magazine. Dr Villalobos is well known in the veterinary community, but what you may not know is she is very well known in the pet owner population also. She has taken many of her articles and adapted them for pet owners, and has authorized these articles for reprint on consumer websites such as AnimalHelp.Com. Pet owners from around the United States contact AnimalHelp.Com requesting her contact information because they are willing to cross country for a chance for her to treat their pets cancer.

While you may not be looking for cross-country clients, your local clientele will grow considerably when you become well known as a veterinary expert. Whether you practice in a small town or a big city, the local pet owners are undoubtedly online and researching you, your practice, and your competitors. When they find well-written veterinary medical articles by you on one of the large national animal health websites, your reputation will grow, you can ethically attract the cases you want by narrowing your article subjects to specific topics, you will become an expert in the eyes of your current and potential clients, and you will have differentiated yourself from that next guy with the DVM.

Tying It All Together

Now you have a website and are writing articles for electronic publication on your favorite animal health website. You will want to make sure your authors bio includes a link to your website and your practice contact information. When your article is published on the animal health website, this direct link will increase your websites search engine listing rank. Your name will also get higher rankings in the search engines. When you Google yourself, how many results are returned? Are they the results you want? Having multiple articles published on a leading animal health website will result in relevant, quality results from the search engines. Add a link from your website to each of your articles published on the consumer animal health website. This directs your potential clients to your articles and lets them see your expertise at work.

For little to no money, you have just established yourself as an expert and - even better, more of an expert then that next guy with the DVM. Your reputation, your practice, and your clientele will grow, and you didnt have to take out a loan to do it!

Jodi Beck Witte is CEO and President of http://AnimalHelp.Com, an animal health website that has been online since 1997. Ms Witte is a veterinary technician with extensive training and experience in online marketing. http://AnimalHelp.Com accepts quality articles from veterinary professionals for the purpose of educating the public on animal health, care, and training. Anet Blog81411
Cairistiona Blog64261

6 Attributes Of The Best Money Making Business Opportunity

You probably hear it all the time. Make $25,000 in your first month. This is the best opportunity in the planet! We are in pre-launch and we made an EASY $50,000 this month alone!

Although it is sometimes true that real people are making an insane amount of money with their internet business opportunity, do not join just ANY program. Before you commit yourself - see if they fit ALL six of these attributes of a good and profitable business opportunity.

Attribute #1 - Real Products That Are Of High Value.

The best business opportunity needs to market real products that offer the end-user exceptional value so that it can create a profitable and long term business. Think about it, it is just common sense for ANY business opportunity to have good products for it to survive in such a competitive market.

But if you ever come across a business opportunity in which it does not have any products to sell you better run be VERY careful. A business opportunity without a product is an illegal pyramid scheme in which you can make a quick buck here and there - but at the expense of your reputation.

Attribute #2 - Steady Cash Flow

The best business opportunity pays you immediately on all your sales so you keep a steady and growing cash flow. Seeing money flow into your bank account quickly also gives you major motivation to promote your business more heavily and thus making you more money.

Attribute #3 - Effective Advertising Sources

The best business opportunity gives you multiple ways to advertise effectively and at the same time gives you a big return on investment. The owners or someone who brings you in a business opportunity should reveal some of these sources for you so that you can get started making money fast.

Attribute #4 The Right Marketing Tools

The best business opportunity automates your marketing process by providing you with the right marketing tools so that you can increase your daily sales. Some people confuse marketing with advertising.

Let me clarify - marketing is a system of sending out advertisements. The advertisements get the prospects interested in what you are selling.

Attribute #5 - Leverage

Nobody wants to work and sit at their computers all day to make a six figure income. That is why the best business opportunity has a system that allows you to leverage yourself.

This in turn gives you an instant sales team for you that create more income for yourself. Ideally, this system should be so solid that your sales team never slows down in making money for you. One such example that has worked very well for many people is the Australian 2-up plan.

Attribute #6 - Training And Support Most people coming into business opportunities are new and inexperienced. The best business opportunity should have some sort of training and support from real EXPERTS who are already successful and making the kind of money you desire.

These expert mentors should be making a six-figure incomes and have the proof to back it up. Most importantly these mentors should be willing to help you every step of the way and spoon feed you the process whenever you are lost and need help.

I believe ANY average Joe can make a six-figure income with the right business opportunity. If you know what to market and have the right tools to market it (like the six attributes above) you will greatly increase your chances of creating a solid six figure income.

Alan Quan is an internet marketing coach and owns a successful internet business selling high-end information products. He is helping and now giving his coaching FREE to entrepreneurs who are serious about making money on the internet. Visit and see if you qualify for his exclusive program.Anjanette Blog3849
Alex Blog52245

Help - She's 16 And A Different Person!

Recently a mother approached me; she was very upset. Her daughter, who had just turned 16, was suddenly acting like a different person. Her daughter's circle of friends used to be within the top of the class, now she was spending her time with less successful students. In her opinion, her daughter did not study enough anymore, and her daughter had also said that she was not going to college!

No wonder this mom was upset. Drastic changes like these would overwhelm and worry any parent.

The first thought is always that your teen might have problems adjusting to a change in the household such as someone moving in or out, or a friend or family member being diagnosed with a serious illness. The death of a family member or friend your teen has been close to, even the death of a pet can cause your teen to radically change her behavior pattern. If any of these instances apply, your teen might need counseling to help her deal with the change or loss.

If nothing like that happened watch your teen and her grades for a few weeks. If you are very concerned, meet with her teachers to see if her performance in class has been or is decreasing or if she has problems with a classmate. Ask a guidance counselor at her school about any incidents that might have occurred in school and could be the cause for the change in your teen's behavior.

Pending the lack of any of the above, your teen might just be bored with her life and friends - thus trying new and different things.

Changing friends

Your teen might want to experience what it would be like to hang out with a different set of friends, or she might have encountered activities among her old friends that she does not agree with.

If you approach her in an inquisitive manner she will volunteer further details about her reason to change friends. If you wish to get to know her new friends, ask her to invite some of her new friends to come along next time you go to the beach, the mall, and event or maybe a "girls only" weekend trip. You can also invite her friends and maybe some of the parents for a barbeque in your backyard.

Less studying

You might be under the impression that she is studying less because she is not spending as much time in her room than she used to. At age16 a whole new world opens for your teen. Friends are getting Lerner's permits and Driver's licenses and your teen will spend a lot more time out of the house and with her friends. This in itself is no cause to worry, however, if her grades are dropping, you will need to bring this subject up with her.

"I'm not going to College"

A statement like this can have many meanings. Try to stay calm; instead of getting upset with your teen, ask her for more information. She might have changed her mind about her field of study, or the process of looking for the right college might overwhelm her.

Your teen also could be tired of going to school and studying. Anxiously waiting to graduate High School, the prospect of a minimum of four more years of college could be something your teen is not ready to commit to or does not find appealing at all.

If you find this to be the reason, go through the employment ads with your teen and show her the difference between a salary of a college graduate, and the wages of a sales clerk. Go through the process of estimating monthly expenses with her, including rent and utilities, and weigh all expenses against the prospective income. As all of us prefer a comfortable life style, this might give your teen the necessary motivation to continue.

Her new friends certainly could have influenced your teen. If this is what you suspect, it is even more important that you get to know her friends and their parent's life styles. This will take the guesswork out of your conversations and maybe support your examples.

No matter what the cause, it is important that you talk with your teen. Don't try to force her to do as you say as this will only make her stubborn and pitch you against her.

Instead, stay calm, listen to her reasons and discuss them peacefully. Offer your or a professional's help if she feels overwhelmed, and recognize that your teen might want something different out of life than what you have in mind for her. Use scenarios and examples to make her understand that any actions and decisions she makes now will affect her life and her future.

This article is available for reprint with author's resource box intact and all links live and clickable. Author reserves copyright.

Christina Botto, author of "Help Me With My Teenager!" has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years. Her website offers a variety of tools and resources to help parents of teenagers.Abigael Blog1466
Alethea Blog96182

Secrets of Perfume Ingredients

While today's favorite fragrances come to you from a manufacturing plant, ancient perfumers used natural ingredients and traditional methods to make fragrant products. Since many of these original ingredients were also used in ancient pharmacies, even until the 18th century, perfume was widely regarded as an antiseptic and even medicine as much as a cosmetic.

Mentioned in the Bible and other ancient texts, frankincense and myrrh were substances so valuable they rivaled even gold. Frankincense is a resin from a gum tree that is produced in shapes called "tears" when the bark of the scraggly Boswallia tree is disturbed. These trees are rare and grow mainly in arid Middle Eastern lands and require hand-harvesting, contributing to their exorbitant price.

Today, a fragrant product that uses frankincense is Love Butter by Carol's Daughter.

Myrrh, called a "bitter perfume" in the Christmas Carol "We Three Kings of Orient Are," is also used today. Myrrh is a gum resin produced from a bush-like desert plant. In Arabic, the name Myrrh means "bitter" and this burnt orange looking substance does indeed have a strong, bitter aroma. Originally used as incense, today Yves St. Laurent's Opium and Rage of the Seven Sinful Scents by Gendarme list myrrh as an ingredient.

Patchouli and sandalwood are both aromatic woods that come from Asia. Patchouli is grown in the East and West Indies while sandalwood comes from Nepal (about the farthest North it grows), India, Hawaii and Australia. While synthetics are often used today for these endangered woods, they have both been around for millennia as fragrance ingredients and have been prized for their healing properties.

The best-known patchouli scent on the market right now by far is Thierry Mugler's Angel. Mugler is a French perfumist and his unique Angel perfume is one of those love-it-or-hate-it kind of scents.

Sandalwood is used in aromatherapy and also does double-duty in the perfume world since it can serve as a fixative or anchor to other scents. Sandalwood has never really gone out of style. Today it's in lots of scents, including Dior Addict by Dior, Escada Magnetism, Hanae Mori Butterly, and the Cartier scent Delices de Cartier.

Amber has got to be one of the most surprising and unusual things that is put into perfume. People who hear that a perfume contains amber typically think of the golden resin used to make jewelry. Actually, that amber is not used in perfume making.

This amber is a short (and nicer-sounding) term for ambergris. Ambergris could be picked up along the coastline and was harvested this way for hundreds of years. It was a gray substance that beachcombers could pick up and sell to factories that used it for a variety of products. Since it had a very distinctive aroma, it was used in perfumery. Ambergris did not smell wonderful by itself, but it blended well with other ingredients and became a staple in perfume-making even before people knew what it was.

Even today, we don't really know what ambergris is, and perhaps we don't want to know. Sometime in the 19th century, it was known that this mysterious gray substance, which unpredictably appeared on the beaches of North America and other places, was associated with sperm whales. Today, it is thought that ambergris is a substance that sperm whales regurgitate after dining on their favorite meal of squid.

Be that as it may, amber in perfume today is synthetic stuff, made to mimic the scent of the original ambergris. Amber is found in Dolce and Gabbana's Light Blue, Vera Wang Princess, and Stella by Stella McCartney, to name a few.

As much as perfume relies on ancient ingredients, including plants (lavender), spices (cinnamon, cloves), flowers (roses, gardenias, honeysuckle, lilies) and fruits (orange, lemon, peach), it also relies on new ingredients.

The biggest "new thing" in perfume is the fact that today we live in a global village. Flowers indigenous to exotic lands can be easily obtained and put into perfume. We can now take advantage of Eastern spices, South Pacific flowers, North American musk, and Indian woods. Of course, much of this happens at the lab level, meaning in the form of synthetics. This helps preserve natural resources and makes perfume quality more uniform.

Another interesting new wrinkle in the perfume world occurred in the 1920s with the advent of a chemical substance called aldehyde. Aldehyde is a synthetic odor molecule but unlike other synthetics, this wasn't a fake anything. Aldehyde was artificial and not meant to mimic anything natural. It has a distinctive "sparkly" quality to it and is often mixed with florals. Probably the best known aldehyde scent in the world is the perennial favorite, Chanel No. 5. The creator of Chanel No. 5, Ernst Breaux, also created Evening in Paris, a much more difficult scent to find, but another one that uses sparkling aldehyde notes.

Today, we've added to our roster of synthetics plus we've blended more and more exotic ingredients together. Technology has also allowed us to capture unusual scents in perfume-you can find perfumes today listing "ozone" as an element or "chocolate."

Joanna McLaughlin is a freelance writer who spends too much time at the perfume counter. For more information on perfume ingredients visit . For merchandise that shows you to be a woman of fragrance, please visit http;// Joanna's favorite perfume today is Clear by Niel Morris.Anastasie Blog9068
Cathryn Blog94711

Learn to Type with Typing Games

For children, the ability of using the computer is becoming fundamental in nowadays, so learning to type is must for them. But most children get bored with any repetitious task and give up or whine and even want to stop, parents or teachers always feel nothing else bother them more than when children face the keyboard and have absolutely no idea where the keys are or how they go about typing. They just "play" with the keyboard. This is a waste of time for them and, worse, children get into the bad habit of typing with two fingers. So parents or teachers have to face how to solve this problem.

As parents and teachers know, whether children want to learn a thing or not largely depends on whether they are attracted by it. Based on this, the typing tutor must be easy-to-use, fun colorful and appealing to children. Once children love and develop interest in it, they will learn to type on their own initiative. Generally, children naturally like to play games, because when playing games, they are always attracted by the colorful interface and pretty music in the games, and above all, they're able to learn something quickly under no pressure. Apparently, the problem for children having no interest in learning to type is solved, they can learn to type when playing games.

There are many advantages of using typing games for typing: First, Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the typing practice, thus help children learn typing more easily. Second, Typing requires a great deal of effort. Games help children to make and sustain the effort of learning. Third, Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and at the same time challenging.

There are lots of interesting typing games which also help to make typing fun. GS Typing Tutor is just one. The aim of this program is to make typing fun whilst increasing accuracy and speed. The feature-rich typing software supports 5 typing games: Rats in the garden, attacks of the alien, help, balloon, and card. The typing games each include 23 basic typing lessons. Taking the basic lessons, children can learn to type from the home row keys to other basic keys. The basic exercises also help them to be familiar with the keyboard layout step-by-step.

Each game is easy-to-use, fun colorful and appealing to children:

1: Rats in the garden Children mission is to eliminate the rats in the garden. Then they should type the letter before the rats escape. If children type the wrong letter or type slowly, the rats will escape under their nose. So they have to type correctly and fast in case the rats escape. The game is fun!

2: Attacks of the alien Children mission is to stop the alien fleets to attack the earth. So they must type letters before the alien fleets through the galaxy into the earth. By playing the game, children type the letters, and can be familiar with the keys. With children accelerating the typing speed, the alien fleets fly rapidly, so they have to type quickly in case the earth is attacked by the alien fleets.

3: Help! A bad man has held a boy under duress. So children must help the soldier to rescue the boy by typing the letter. If their typing speed is slow, the boy's life is under danger. Once children succeed to rescue the boy, the boy will laugh loudly for thanking.

4: Balloon Falling Letters are ruining the balloons. Save the balloons by typing the letters before the balloons land on the ground. Lots of fun! The more children type the more score they get.

5: Card The letters are arranged random based on the keys children choose. Type the letters on the card. This will help them to know well the basic keys.

With playing typing games, the typing program helps children easy master a skill needed in today's computer oriented world. Download it at

June Shu Blog3357
Aarika Blog6160

Degree in Education Online

Are you a college student? Its true, heading off to a four year University can be a blast and a wonderful break from that high school drama. Finally, you can get that privacy from your over-bearing folks, and enjoy your very own apartment or dorm. Its all about parties and staying out late, right? Okay, well maybe not so much. I mean you did come to college for an actual education. Didnt you? Regardless of its highlights, college life can nevertheless be a great deal of work. Once youve delved into your first semester, youll certainly know what I mean. In this day and age, the concept of higher education has been taken to a whole new level. Not everyone wants the campus and party life of a young college student. Not everyone wants to search for parking places daily in order to attend classes. This is why people can now acquire a degree in education online. Yes indeed, I did say via the Internet. You have a PC or Mac, dont you?

Have you ever come across the topic degree in education online? Its actually still a fairly new one. Although many people dont know and fully understand it yet, they can achieve a valid degree in education online; completely from the comfort of your own home. Wouldnt that be choice? Lets say you are a parent that works. Now, you may or may not have the time to attend a University the old fashioned way. This is where a degree in education online comes into play. You find the college you wish to attend, and read about the degree requirements. Then its time to inquire about their degree in education online abilities. They may have that exact degree youre looking for, but with online courses. This allows you to continue casually with your daily regime. You can get online at will and deal with your course work. So many Universities across the nation are expanding on this innovative topic. Wow, is the world becoming convenient!

If you are striving to get a college education, but dont have the time to live the college lifestyle, then maybe its time to explore the concept of degree in education online. Once youve acquired your books and consulted with the professor, youll simply deal with the course from the comfort of your living room. Dont let life stop you from getting that education youve always wanted.

David Jones is a contributing writer at, the BEST site for finding information on degree in education online.Adriena Blog789
Catherin Blog72289

How Do You Make A Cheap Family Vacation Fun?

If you are looking for a cheap family vacation you might not have Disneyland, Universal Studios or a Las Vegas family vacation first on your agenda. Don't despair; there are many places that can even make your vacation trip a memorable one. To accomplish it however, you have to be creative in planning for such a cheap vacation. Although six flags theme parks are not on the list it is possible to have even more fun with careful planning.

Family Camping Vacation

Among the ways for a budget vacation, Camping is one of the best. If you ever have vacationed as a family on a budget, then you may already have some of the camping gear that are required. With a tent and sleeping bags as well as a few bare necessities you are ready to go. Make sure though, that everyone is in agreement to camping out. If not it might turn out to be a nightmare.

Discount Family Vacation

Another way to get a decent family vacation is to look for the discounted vacations if they are not having idea about camping. Go online; there are many websites that offer such discounted vacation packages. Some of them offer budgeted rooms and bargain vacations if you just know where to look. Perform a web search for 'Discounted Travel' and you will find scores of options. You will also find that hotel rooms can be reserved using these travel discount centers for half the price if you bargain shop and search several of the websites. Isn't that something?!?


Bartering for your vacation is another way and actually a very real possible option as well. You will find websites which will offer trade-outs for families looking to vacation in your area enabling you to vacation in their area. This can even be a vast savings. The bartering options could be a surprise for you. Let's say that you and your family wants to have a vacation along the Gulf Coast Beaches, you may be surprised to learn that a family desires a vacation for the Bristol Motor Speedway race in August and if it just so happens that you live in Bristol, you may have a family vacation opportunity of a lifetime.

Planning is the Clue

Families vacationing with a budget on a shoestring do have to pull out all of the stops in order to realize a happy medium that everyone in the family can live with. You might need to switch on your computer, go online and plan accordingly. When planning a family vacation you must have flexible attitude. If you think camping is the route you need to take but your teenage daughter is afraid to tent camp or your nerd of a son can't stand it, then search campgrounds for the very simple cabins that often are nothing more than a log home shell with bunk beds and modern bathroom. Still, if they need a locked door over night, a simple $10 or $20 will make them safe at night.

You can and should involve the whole family to look for many cheap vacations that they can take. It is absolutely not necessary that you should go to Disneyland to have a memorable vacationing. You can postpone the Dollywood's water park trips as well as other theme parks for the next year's vacation. Instead you could look for some locations that can make you all spend the time together and have a wonderful time that even creates a bonding between the members.

Robert Alderton is a writer and internet publisher who enjoys to publish quality information about family vacation and travel. Read more at Blog95376
Anstice Blog71727

Debt Reduction Your Simple 9 Step Plan

Debt reduction doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. Who wants to deal with a cure that's more painful than the ailment? Mounting debt is stressful enough then you have to face the task of figuring out just where to start if you want to get rid of it. Then there are all the different angles of attack you can take and that just adds to the frustration.

So here's a simplified approach that will get you started in the right direction for debt reduction. After all, sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective. This 9 step plan can help you get out of debt and stay out.

1. Spend less than you make. Easier said than done, right? I agree, but this is the very first step in any debt reduction effort. And theres no getting around it. The only way to get out of debt is to spend less than you make. The key is to get determined to make it happen.

2. Make a budget. Your budget is your plan. Follow it and it will get you where you want to go. Most people dont like the budgeting part but its absolutely necessary. The key to a budget is dont make it too complicated. You dont need to account for every single penny.

To find your starting point, determine how much you spend each month and what you spend it on. Make a list of all your typical expenses you would have over a one month period. Then you see where you can make cuts and adjustments. Keep finding ways to reduce those expenses until you are spending less than you make. Laying it all out in a budget and sticking to it will help keep your spending under control.

3. Know the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt helps you make money in the long run or at least won't help you lose money. Your mortgage and student loans are examples of good debt. Your house usually appreciates over time and an education usually helps you get better paying jobs.

A car loan is neither good nor bad. They tend to be lower interest loans but cars typically don't appreciate in value. So the best thing is to make sure your car loan is manageable and fits within your budget.

All other debt is bad debt. This includes credit card debt, payday advances, and all high interest credit or loans. These are the things that dont appreciate in value and now that you have put them on credit or loan, you just continue to pay for them month after month in the form of interest. So you want to tackle these debts head on in your debt reduction efforts.

4. Choose the one credit card you have that has the lowest interest rate. Make sure the monthly spending limit is within your monthly budget and use this card for emergencies only. Then cut up the rest of your credit cards. Now that you have your lowest interest rate card, never take it with you when you go shopping. Use cash or your debit card only.

5. Take all your bills from your bad debt pile and spread them out where you can see them all. Find out how much you owe by adding up all the minimum monthly payments. You'll want to pay this and more each month in order to pay off all that bad debt. Make sure you don't just pay the minimum or it'll never go away. After all, the name of the game is debt reduction. If this doesnt realistically fit into your monthly budget, then step 6 will help tackle the problem.

6. Consolidate your debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan can make your debt reduction efforts much easier. First, it lumps all of your loans into one loan so your monthly payments are lower and fit within your budget. Second, you can probably get a much lower interest rate than what youre currently paying (especially on credit card debt). Third, it simplifies things. Debt consolidation bundles it all into one loan with one monthly payment which means its easier to keep on top of it.

7. Stack your bill payments. What is this? It happens to be one of the most important things you can do when it comes to debt reduction. Stacking (or snowballing) is a way of accelerating your effectiveness when paying off your debt. This is how it works.

Take your bad debt bills from step 5, and put them in order from highest interest rate charged to lowest. Choose the highest interest rate bill and pay the minimum plus as much extra as you can on that bill, while paying the minimum payments on the rest of the lower interest rate bills. Keep doing that until the highest interest rate bill is completely paid off. Then repeat the process with the next highest interest bill, paying the minimum plus as much extra as possible while paying the minimum payments on the rest of your lower interest rate bills. Because you no longer have that first bill to pay, the extra monthly savings help pay off the second highest bill even faster. Then just keep repeating until they are all paid off.

8. Ask for a lower interest rate. With each of your outstanding credit card bills, call the company and ask for a lower rate. You can explain that you are a loyal customer but you're being offered much lower rates from other companies. This includes the bills for the cards you have already cut up. They don't need to know that you cut up their card. The goal is to pay as little interest as possible while you are trying to get rid of the debt. That way you have more money each month for your debt reduction efforts.

9. Make sure you have enough for emergencies. It's great to be aggressively paying off your debt but you need to plan for the unexpected. You don't want to be on such a tight budget each month that it doesn't allow for a misstep. You need to be in a position where you can make your mortgage payment or car loan payment.

Each of these debt reduction steps is achievable if you put your mind to it. A little willpower and this 9 step plan and instead of stressing about your debts you may find yourself trying to figure out what to do with all your savings.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides debt consolidation and credit information and solutions.Bernete Blog15026
Adrianne Blog47897

The Importance of Using Student Credit Cards Wisely

Are you familiar with student credit cards? These credit cards are meant for college students, and are easier to get than regular credit cards. They can help a student establish credit, but they can also bring credit problems to careless students.

Student credit cards can be a source of temptation for college students. Young adults can be easily tempted to buy unnecessary things with their credit card, even if they do not have the money to pay for it. Eventually the balance they charged for their shopping sprees must be paid back.

If a college student is unable to pay the full amount within a certain period of time, interest will be charged. Credit card companies charge interest at a percentage of the over due balance. For instance, if a student has a $100 balance and the credit card company charges a 15% interest rate, the student now owes $115 to the credit card company.

The interest keeps adding up and eventually the student may end up paying only the interest, and their credit card balance is never going to be paid off. That is why the parents of college students should first explain the proper use of student credit cards to their children, before they allow them to get credit cards.

There are also a few things that should be examined before students choose a particular credit card. It is important to check the annual fee of student credit cards. An annual fee is a lump sum that some credit card companies charge to their credit card every year.

It would also be wise to look at the interest rate and other fees of student credit cards. There are cases where the interest charges can send a credit card over the limit. This will cause extra fees, and the student will be unable to use the credit card. Students should pay attention to the different terms and conditions of student credit cards, so that they can determine the particular credit card that is best for them.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog11583
Brianna Blog76166

Finding The Right Computer Education

The computer industry has literally dominated the world for quite a few years now. Around 2 decades ago did anyone of even think that computers would become so vital that it would be difficult to function without them. So in todays world it has become absolutely essential to be a computer literate.

We use these systems in some or the other aspect today. If not at home for work, then to access the Internet we are using these inventions. These inventions are here to stay for a longer time and evolve year after year, so better to become computer literate in order to use the systems of the future.

Were you lucky enough to be imparted at least basic computer education in your high school? To be frank, Internet was up coming during my graduation days. I ventured into the world of computer education and modern technology during my college career. Soon I found that computer will be indispensable for any profession.

So I decided to take up a few extra computer courses so as to increase my knowledge about computers. Some excellent computer information at Now, I can say I have learnt MS Office, hardware, software, viruses, creating presentations, working with charts and graphs etc. This are the basics that everyone should know to face up the competition. Every job I was interested in demanded some basic computer education and skills. I had the advantage because I had all the tools that a candidate was expected to know about.

Ever thought about how much time we spend on computers? Just think and I am sure you will be surprised! We have to interact with computers irrespective of our profession. Online facilities like online shopping, online booking, online reading have become very common these days because they save much of our time. If you have no basic computer education till date, its time that you get some now. This is not at all difficult.

Take a computer course offered at the college in your vicinity or instead take an online lesson! You can fully comprehend the intricacies of the various systems. If you are not a fan of the Internet, ask a friend to help you get hold of a good online course in computer education. This way you will secure and survive in the future.

Ron Eletrick enjoys: http://www.commcloset.comAshlan Blog71048
Andria Blog11398

Webcam Basics

Instead of just communicating over the internet with text and emoticons, people are beginning to realize just how easy and fun it is to send video clips through cyberspace. Webcam setups range from simple to complex, and increasing the complexity is only a matter of adding functionality through software, custom code and/or equipment connections.

A simple Webcam setup consists of a Digital Camera attached to your computer, usually through the USB port. The camera part of the Webcam setup is just a digital camera -- nothing out of the ordinary so far. The "Webcam" functions of the camera originate from the software. Webcam software takes a frame from the digital camera at a preset interval (for example, the software might grab a still image from the camera once every 30 seconds) and transfers it to another location for viewing.

If you're interested in using your Webcam for streaming video, you'll want a Webcam system with a high frame rate. The frame rate indicates the number of pictures the software can grab and transfer in one second. For streaming video, you need a minimum rate of at least 15 frames per second (fps), and 30 fps is optimal. To achieve high frame rates, you must necessarily have a high-speed internet connection.

Once it captures a frame, the software broadcasts the image over your Internet connection. There are several broadcast methods. Using the most common method, the software turns that image into a JPEG (compressed) file and uploads it to a web server using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). You can easily place a JPEG image onto any web page in this manner and post your webcam images on the internet.

If you don't have your own Web server or web site, you can also use your web cam to send a video email. First, launch the software that comes with the camera. Depending on the model, the process of e-mailing and recording your video messages may vary. Press Start or Record to begin the video message. Click Stop and then preview the video. You can then click E-mail or Send, which automatically opens your default e-mail program.

When sending a video e-mail, the longer the video message recorded, the bigger the attachment will be, so make sure the recipient's computer can handle the size. The recipient of the e-mail does not need special software to see your video message; they simply choose to open the attachment and the mini movie will play.

Another increasingly popular way to use your web cam is a chat session with webcams in "real time" with instant messaging (IM) programs. During an IM chat, there will be an option to start the webcam right on the screen, or under the Options or Tools menu. In Windows Messenger, for example, the words Start Camera are on the right-hand side of the screen. It is also possible to adjust the volume, window size, and video resolution with IM options. The person on the other end also needs a webcam to visually chat.

Adjust your camera's focus, point it toward your face, and most importantly, look right into the "eye" of the webcam so your friends on the other end see more than just your forehead. Keep in mind that some webcams require an additional microphone to record audio.

Don't expect terrific video quality. It's often possible to adjust the video resolution by toying with the webcam's software settings, but the higher the quality, the choppier the video frame rates will be. Webcams can also be used for remote security monitoring, but beware of hackers who could intercept your video feed and then spy on YOU. Make full use of passwords and encryption.

Brian Lee

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Brian Lee is co-owner of 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee on entire line of digital cameras, camcorders, webcams, security cameras, camera phones, photo printers, & accessories. Andeee Blog11681
Ceil Blog3283

Why Good Partnerships Go Bad

One of the most common structures for law firms is a business partnership. There are many reasons why, but if you consider that it is probably the most difficult arrangement for doing business, you would think that attorneys some of whom are the experts in the creation and dissolution of business entities would avoid them. Yet this is not the case. In fact, some lawyers join and leave partnerships more often than some people buy new cars.

What is a partnership?

A partnership is a voluntary relationship between individuals or entities, characterized by cooperation and responsibility and intended to focus on a common goal. It is a contract between competent persons for pooling their money, goods, labor and/or skill with the agreement that profits will be divided between them, and that they will use the partnership entity to conduct business for their mutual benefit.

In the qualitative sense, partnership is characterized by accord, affinity, collaboration, fraternization, support and friendship. Many law firms are known for being viable partnerships that work to represent the interests and skills of each shareholder in the best possible manner. Some firms even evidence that spirit of cooperation that makes a partnership incredible and fun bringing profit and goodwill to all the participants, including staff and clients. This, obviously, is the ideal firm. However, firms do not usually start out that way, and many never even approach it.

Why do so many firms fall short of the ideal?

The short answer, of course, is because there are humans involved. Nevertheless, it might be helpful to consider that the people who become attorneys have a determination that propels them into law school and to do what is necessary to pass the bar exam. This process of education and examination hones their innate drive into a focused, goal-oriented person. This places members of the legal profession among the most educated and trained in our society.

When a new lawyer passes the bar, what does the future hold? Often it is as an associate in a firm. This is where the real training begins. Associates are expected to be able to think on their feet, to do whatever partners do not want to do, to adapt to rigid rules of the court, and to substitute for other attorneys at the last minute with little opportunity to prepare and little knowledge of the case they are representing. All the while, order and decorum must be maintained. This training process helps them to become great client advocates and when you add the billable hour expectations of many firms it also builds their endurance (tolerance for pain). Over time, the process yields its likely product an attorney with a warrior persona, prepared to subjugate their own needs in the service of their clients. This is the high and noble calling of the profession.

Concurrent with all this training, the internal motivation of the person continues to develop. While the qualifying process is taking place, their initial motivation, drive or vision is becoming strengthened as well. Often kept at bay with the promise of future rewards partnership, private practice, social status and/or better-than-average compensation, this drive must come into self-expression. Goal-driven, status seeking and reward focused, the next logical step for many is either partner or private practice. The strength of character required is similar, but it is at this point that the challenges diverge. Our purpose here is to address the challenges facing the partners in firms.

Making partner is a goal for most associates and, for them, it is as important often more so as marriage. Of course, it also brings all of the obligations, but very different rewards. Like the marriage ceremony, partnership brings on a new era filled with new duties that have to do with the successful running of the firm itself and with meeting the expectations of the other partners. It is here that the groundwork is laid for the future of the firm.

Large firms have developed cultures that incubate associates to fit in. Those who do become partner. The others leave the firm. Smaller firms, however, are made up of lawyers who either did not fit into the mold of the larger firms or wanted more control over their destiny.

Law school friends, who trained in different firms and disciplines, may decide to begin a practice together. A few associates in a practice area of a large firm may opt to begin a boutique firm. Regardless of the course of their arrival, the attorneys who become the partners of small and medium firms, immediately face two new challenges in addition to the need to generate and service their own book of business cooperation with the other partners to mutual objectives and fulfilling their share of the obligations of managing the practice.

However, nothing in their training has prepared them for meeting the shared, yet sometimes clashing interests and expectations of their partners. Law school does little to prepare attorneys for the business necessities of running a practice. Most law firms do not train the associates in it either. Up to the moment of becoming a partner, the attorneys career has been largely a solitary performance and the rewards have been commensurate with it. It is at this time that the repressed, but strong internal motivators combined with the warrior persona tend to rise to the surface. Without the training for business, this personality does not bend easily toward cooperation even when appropriate and beneficial to his or her own interests.

Partnerships are formed for a variety of reasons, usually based more on hope than research. As partners, financial rewards are based upon the shared performance of all partners. However, often the partners do not share the same objectives or circumstances. Sometimes the approach to fees is similar. Other times it is drastically different. Firms are founded where the partnership may consist of a litigator, a family practice attorney, a personal injury lawyer and an insurance specialist. In firms like this, the issue of how to compensate the partners becomes a major issue due to the differences in cash flow and funding requirements. Even in boutique firms where fee structures are not a concern, the necessity of managing the practice still exists. Determining who is best suited to handle the various issues of conducting the regular business of the firm; hiring, managing and terminating staff; and keeping the books is not an option, but a requirement.

In these situations, the responsibilities may be parceled out, but usually little reward is given for doing the management work. In smaller firms, rainmaking is power. The best rainmaker often shirks other responsibilities because it is necessary to bring in the cash to keep the firm operating. The other partners end up carrying more of the management load. This means their opportunities to bring in new cases further declines. Soon, non-alignment, resentment and disrespect set in.

Combine that with the warrior inclination and the lack of training in cooperative communication and you have fertile ground for growing troubles. This is often complicated by the inability of the partners to find convenient times to discuss the issues, so they get put off and the resentment may turn into discord or repressed hostility. If one of the partners is particularly successful in bringing in cash, resentment and discord quickly become antagonism and outright warfare. These are the antithesis of true partnership.

Recognition, Resolution and Growth

All firms must face these challenges at one time or another. The largest firms have confronted them and designed solutions to address them, enabling growth and prosperity for partners with a divergence of talent and skills. Smaller firms have a harder time due to the perception of a lack of time and funds to overcome the problems.

The keys to passing through this phase: recognition, telling the truth about it, a commitment to the growth of the firm above self-interests, communication with your partners so that everyone wins, finding the right combination of new business generation, client service, firm management and partner relations.

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed winning formula. Each partnership must face the challenges and design its own solutions. Generally, when mutual respect and acknowledgment of the value of all aspects of work done for the firm are the rule, solutions can be designed to enable firms to grow beyond these difficulties. As with most things, the earlier that this is recognized and accomplished, the greater the likelihood of success and growth.

Dennis McCue, a Certified Management Consultant, is Principal of Dynamic Firm Management, dedicated to making law firms more successful. To reach him, call 949-640-2220 or visit: http://www.dynamicfirm.comAsia Blog59255
Arleyne Blog17891

Bearing Your Routine Expenses Payday Cash Loan

Getting started

A payday cash loan is the urgent financial support which one looks for when he is over with his available funds and next payday is still far. It basically serves for short term routine expenses such as paying electricity and gas bills, shopping and credit card bills, house rent, emergency car repairs, treatment for the illness of a family member, paying school fees, other miscellaneous expenses which cant wait longer and need to be catered urgently.

The amount and the term

Payday cash loans offer you to borrow amount ranging from 100 to 1000 for a period of 7 to 14 days. These loans are short term loans and carry a higher rate of interest. So its better to repay the loans as early as possible. However, if the circumstances are not in favor you can extend this period by paying certain amount as extension fee to the lender.

Repayment options

Payday cash loans are generally secured by a post dated cheque for your next payday. At the end of the term you can either pay the cash to get the cheque or the lender will cash that cheque from of your account.

Availability to bad credit holders

Payday cash loans are easily available to people with bad credit history. These people include defaulters, CCJs and IVAs, arrears, late payments and no payments and all such people with poor credit score due any reason. Also these loans are known as no credit check loans. Payday cash loans if repaid on time can help you give a boost to your credit score. Failing to do so can adversely affect the score and the lender may charge the fee of the same.


There are certain conditions which you need to qualify to get a payday cash loan approval:

You should be over 18 years of age.

You should be having a checking account.

You should be employed for a good amount of time.

You should be earning a regular income.

The application form

The online application form for a payday cash loan is completely secure and needs to be completed as the first step for you to get the payday cash loan. You are required to give details about your employment status, monthly income and checking account information along with your personal details. The application process takes just 10 to 15 minutes. Your application will be reviewed by the lender for approval. Once you have got the approval, the money gets deposited into your checking account within a short period of 24 hours or one day.

Olivia Maaret loans have recently began to play a strong part in deciding the financial future of general population. olivia maaret can help you find the best loan at best interest rates. To find Online cash loan,online payday cash loan,online personal cash loan visit Blog41028
Bellina Blog78334

Debt Consolidation May Be an Important Resource for Home Business Owners

One of the main reasons that viable and otherwise sound businesses fail is that owners lack financial resources to weather the first difficult months and even years. Starting a freelance or other home-based enterprise can be a lucrative venture, but it is highly unlikely the rewards will roll in early in the game.

Most business advisors recommend that a new business owner sock away enough money to support himself for a year or more before embarking on a business.

This does not mean that the business will not take in money, even early on. The usual course of small business is that business starts slowly at first and builds, often in fits and spurts. However, small businesses will have a disproportionate amount of expenses in these first months and years.

You'll be surprised by the expenditures you'll have in the first year; you have to buy all of your equipment, supplies, permits, software, and so on. These seemingly minor items can end up costing you thousands of dollars. Covering those expenses can be tough. Even when a new business starts to earn money, it is not unusual for it to post losses in the early months because necessary expenditures simply outpace earnings.

Besides saving money for the day you start your business, you should also work very hard to reduce your personal expenditures. Anything that can be paid off before you start your business should be paid off. Besides, it will be good practice for the new business owner to practice living more frugally! Most new businesses will take a lot of financial flexibility and learning how to live on less is a great skill that just about every business owner will tell you is important.

If you have debt (and who doesn't?) you may want to consider something known as debt consolidation. Before you get riled up, debt consolidation is not bankruptcy or debt settlement. It's a perfectly legal, ethical way to roll your many small debts together in one package and then negotiate a better loan on the large amount. The idea behind debt consolidation is that you may be able to restructure (consolidate) your debt in such a way that you will have to pay less interest to pay it off.

Debt consolidation won't hurt your credit report. In fact, it could actually improve it! That's because debt consolidation means you get a big loan to pay off your smaller debts. Paying off a debt usually improves your credit. And if you manage the larger debt consolidation loan well, that will help your credit, too.

By the way, a good credit score is essential for a new business owner!

But how does it work? In theory, you gather your debts. Let's say you owe $5,000 on a department store credit card that charges 22% a year interest. That may sound exorbitant, but it is not all that unusual. The interest on a loan like that is $1,100 a year!

Let's say you have some other loans. For the purpose of illustration, let's say you have one credit card maxed out to $10,000 at 16% ($1,600 interest a year) and another credit card that charges 14% where you've charged $3,200 ($448 a year in interest).

Put these three amounts together and add them up. You'll end up with $18,200 in debt. Now let's just say for theory's sake that you can find a new loan for $18,200 that charges just 12% interest. You get that new loan, use it to promptly pay off your three charge cards, and now you pay off the one new loan. By the way, 12% of $18,200 is $2,184 in interest a year.

Consolidating that debt saves you $964 a year in interest. You have to pay $80 a month less. If you are really savvy, you'll take that $80 and apply it toward the principal. You spend the same exact amount of money, but you will get out of debt significantly faster.

That's a small picture of debt consolidation. You can also roll in car notes, student loans, medical bills, and other debts.

Of course, debt consolidation can be tricky. First, it may not work for you-you may owe money but at rates that are already as low as you can get. Second, you might want to get a lower-interest-rate loan but cannot qualify. It helps if you own your own home, but even if you do not, there are other ways to consolidate your debt.

If you can consolidate and pay off your debt, you'll have a tremendous business edge, one that is hard to appreciate until you've been in business for a while. The lower you can reduce your expenses and the more adjustable you are to living modestly during the early years of your business, the more freedom you'll have and the more time you'll have to give your business the start it deserves!

Jo Ann LeQuang has owned and operated her own business for five years in Texas. Find out what she does at and, if you're a writer interested in a home-based business, check out .Calypso Blog6285
Barb Blog82843

Where Should I Put My Savings? Different Types of Investment Accounts

In the big world of investing, it seems we hear a lot about what securities to invest in, but not as much about what types of accounts to invest in. There are so many different types of investment accounts, each covering a different purpose, and new types of accounts seem to be created weekly. What are some of the basic types of investment accounts and what can they do for you? This article covers some of the accounts that are available currently and why you would use each one.

Retirement Accounts

IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. An IRA is meant for those who do not have access to employer sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k) plans or those who would like to contribute more than the maximum allowed by their employer plans. Why choose an IRA? Tax-deferred growth is the answer. With a standard savings account, you have to pay taxes on the interest or earnings that the account makes each year. An IRA, on the other hand, doesn't require you to pay taxes until the money is taken out in retirement, thus leaving more money in the account to grow each year. In many instances you can also deduct your IRA contributions on your taxes, giving you further tax savings. It seems like a small thing especially when the account balance is still small, but over time it makes a big difference. Investing $10,000 for 30 years in a regular savings account with a 28% tax bracket and a 6% average growth rate will give you $35,565 whereas that same amount put into a tax-deferred account will give you $57,435. Eventually, however, you do have to pay taxes on the earnings in your IRA, but you are still left with $44,153 after taxes are paid. Your net gain for tax-deferred growth is just over $8500.

Another individual plan is a Roth IRA. It is somewhat similar to a traditional IRA but the difference is that you cannot deduct the contributions and the earnings grow tax-free instead of tax-deferred. This type of plan is good for someone with a longer timeframe to invest or those whose tax bracket in retirement will be close to or higher than their current tax rate. Tax-free growth means that you don't have to pay taxes on any of the earnings in the account. If we start with $10,000 and invest it for 30 years at 6% growth like our example above, you would be left with $57,435. None of that money has to have taxes paid on it since the initial $10,000 already had taxes taken out and the earnings grew tax-free. Before you wonder why anyone would not automatically use a Roth IRA, consider the fact that the initial $10,000 investment wasn't tax deductible like it was for the traditional IRA above. With a 28% tax bracket, the Roth paid $2,800 on its initial $10,000 investment. If we look at the growth potential of $2,800 for 30 years in a tax-deferred account, it grows to $16,082. So, in this person's situation where their tax bracket is the same in retirement as it is while working with a 6% rate of growth, a Roth wouldn't be the best option. The Roth would only grow to $57,435 - $16,082 = $41,353 when all taxes are taken into consideration while the traditional IRA would grow to $44,153. There are several online calculators that can estimate which type of IRA would be to your advantage. Search under Roth vs. Traditional IRA for more information and calculators to determine the best account for you.

In addition to individual plans there are also employer-sponsored plans. SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA and Keogh plans are in between Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts and the standard employer sponsored plans such as 401(k)'s. SEP's, SIMPLE's and Keogh's are for self employed individuals or small companies that need to put aside more money than a standard IRA allows but aren't large enough to warrant the expense of a 401(k) plan. Each plan allows both employee and employer contributions. Each has set maximums between $6,000 and $30,000, depending on the plan and the contributor, and each has tax incentives for both the employer and the employee. These plans are great for small businesses to be able to set aside money for themselves and their employees and not have to go through the time and expense of larger employer sponsored plans.

The last type of retirement plans are employer sponsored plans. When it comes to retirement, it seems everyone knows the term 401(k). This is because a 401(k) is the retirement plan of choice for medium and large companies. In 2006, the maximum contribution to a 401(k) is $15,000. If you are over fifty and your employer offers the 401(k) "catch-up" contribution, you can contribute up to $5,000 more, so $20,000 total. Your employer may also contribute to your 401(k) plan which generally doesn't decrease your contribution allowance. Originally, 401(k) plans were only offered to for-profit companies. Those who worked for non-profit companies such as charities, schools, universities and hospitals weren't able to contribute to 401(k) plans but were able to open 403(b) plans which allowed most of the same contribution limits as a 401(k). Government or public employees often used 457(b) plans for their contributions and for highly compensated employees there are 457(f) plans. This eventually changed to where 401(k) plans are now available to non-profit companies so more and more of the non-profit sector are opening 401(k) plans for their employees. Taxes on these types of plan can vary from one plan to another, so it is best to consult your plan director or talk with the investment company that manages your employers plan.

Education Savings Plans

Education plans have become available in the past decade allowing parents to better save for their children's education. Instead of trying to set money aside in taxable savings accounts, parents can now setup an education savings account that has various tax advantages depending upon the type of account used. Choosing an education savings account depends upon what your long-term goals are for the money. There are three basic types of education savings accounts, IRC section 529 plans, the Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA) and the Uniform Gift to Minors Account (UGMA). Each plan is tailored a little differently when it comes to its tax advantages and who gets the money from each plan, but each has the same general purpose, to save for your children or grandchildren's future.

Medical Savings Accounts

There are three different types of accounts to help you save for healthcare costs, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA). The first of these, Flexible Spending Accounts are also called section 125 plans or "cafeteria plans." This plan allows participants to put pre-tax money into the account each year to cover health insurance deductibles, co-payments, dental care and other medical expenses. Cafeteria plan money cannot accumulate from year to year, however, so it needs to be used up in one year or it will be gone. The second type of medical savings account is a Health Reimbursement Arrangement. It is similar to an FSA but the employer contributes to the account instead of the employee.

The employer can make contributions contingent on an employee participating in designated health and wellness programs. In June 2002 it was updated to allow funds to rollover from year to year, but it cannot be rolled over from employer to employer so if you change employers, you loose the accrued benefit. The last and most recently created plan is a Health Savings Account. This plan enables employees with high-deductible health insurance plans to set aside and invest money to use to pay the deductibles or other healthcare costs in the future.

These plans are designed to put healthcare decisions more into the hands of the employees. These plans are also portable so they move with you when you change employers and they can be rolled over from year to year.

Other Accounts

For those who are just looking to invest, a brokerage account is the medium to use. Brokerage accounts are setup through investment companies to allow you to purchase securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money markets, options, etc. Generally the money sits in a "core" account such as a money market until you are ready to invest it in other securities. There are fees for purchasing many securities which vary depending on the company that the account is setup with. Brokerage accounts can also offer check writing, debit and ATM cards for easier access to money in the account. Since there are no tax-advantages of a brokerage account, money can be withdrawn at any time from the core account. These accounts are perfect for additional savings that you want to invest in the stock market.

The standard savings account is probably what everyone is most familiar with. Offered by any bank, a savings account allows you to set money aside and receive a variable or fixed interest rate depending upon the account. Savings accounts are very liquid and can be withdrawn at any time, but they don't allow check writing capabilities. Most savings accounts now days do offer ATM cards. Certificates of Deposit or CD's are types of savings accounts that require money to be left in for a certain period of time in exchange for a slightly higher interest rate, these accounts are less liquid and there is generally a fee to take the money out before the predetermined period of time.

Whatever the reason or account used to set aside money, it is always a good thing. Savings in any form creates a more secure financial future and allows for problems or emergencies to be taken care of without having to obtain loans or dip into less liquid savings such as a home or other physical assets. Opening up any of the above types of accounts gets you started on the right track towards savings.

Emma Snow is a writer who specializes in financial planning. She has worked in the financial industry for over eight years. Currently Emma works on a Finance and Investing site at and Investing Partners Blog56255
Allison Blog19579

9 Effective Home Remedies for Earache

Read this article to know the best Home Remedies for Earache. First of all let me tell you what is Earache?

Earaches can be caused by infection or disease in the ear itself infection in the nose, mouth, or throat infection or harm to jawbones changes in altitude or air pressure a build-up of ear wax and an object, development, or insect in the ear.

It is a pain in the middle or inner ear. Earache is ordinary, but does not always occur. Fever, giddiness, nausea, or vomiting may also take place with earaches. An earache is most normally caused by trapped moisture in the inner ear and by small injury to the ear canal.

An earache results most often from puffiness in the eustachian tube (a small tube that attaches the ear to the nose). Increased pressure in the ear leads to pain, itching, hearing loss, and swelling somewhere else in the ear-an earache has been born. The ache of an ear may be sharp, dull, or hurting.

Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Earache:

Home Remedies for Earache

1) Put some drops of hydrogen peroxide in the aching ear as this is a good Home Remedy for Earache.

2) Put two drops of holy basil leaves juice in the aching ear to heal earache.

3) Cut a piece of garlic. wrap it with a piece of cotton ball, immerse it with alcohol. Squeeze the excess alcohol and put it in the ear that aches. This remedy is effective Home Remedy for Earache.

4) Immerse half a cotton wool ball in olive oil put in the microwave (approx 20 seconds) till its warm not hot, squeeze out excess oil so its damp, then put in ear.

5) Pour some garlic juice in the paining ear as its antibiotic characters help to relieve the pain.

6) A good Home Remedy for Earache is to Crush a garlic clove and wrap in kitchen towel, then squeeze the juice into the ear, wrap a small quantity of the crushed garlic in a little bit more kitchen towel and place softly in the ear and leave for 30mins or so.

7) Steep 1-2 teaspoon of chamomile flowers in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Strain out the water, and apply the hot flowers in a cloth for lessening of the earache.

8) Heat up some olive oil in a microwave for 30 seconds then apply it to the ear that hurts.

9) For gripping ear pain just put some drops of warm onion juice and your pain will just vanish away in a moment. This is another good Home Remedy for Earache.

Dr John Anne is an ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Earache at Blog52333
Alina Blog82007

Consultants Say The Darndest Things!

Part of being in the presentation skills training business is keeping up with current findings and new literature in the field. As any modern day researcher (read: web surfer) knows, this can consume huge amounts of time as each interesting looking hyperlink leads to another, and another, and, well, you know how it works.

Sometimes, our travels are rewarded with gems like the ones that follow. Turns out that ever since Dale Carnegie discovered about a century ago that good public speaking was a process that could be learned rather than inherited, there's been little shortage of people out there with "good advice" to pass on. Some of these people even take money for it! Anyway, here's a sample of the wisdom we garnered for free, and its worth every penny!

T.B., a presentation skills consultant writing at, advises:

Many professional actors and public speakers find that doing light callisthenic exercises in their dressing rooms or a private area can relieve the excess energy. Try running in place, or shaking your arms and legs. Go out for a quick run somewhere, or punch a boxing bag. The trick is to release enough nervous energy to calm your anxieties, but not leave you so stress-free that your speech suffers.

Problem: When we're engaged to do public speaking, we often have to wear a suit and tie. It's been our experience that going out for a run just before we go on stage can often work up a good sweat! If you can help it, while presenting you really never want the audience see you sweat. And the punching bag idea is not always a convenient one. If youre giving your presentation out-of-town, a full-size Everlast bag does not easily fit in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of you, and can really slow you down when running to catch a flight.

PublicSpeakingSkills Solution: The excess energy people experience when speaking results from adrenaline pulsing through the body, brought on by the classic fight-or-flight syndrome that accompanies fear. The fear needs to be dealt with, not the energy. In our presentation skills seminars, we show participants how many of the techniques they learned in their public speaking "education" actually create, build, and compound normal levels of anxiety.

A.M., another public speaking consultant writing at, advises:

Some speakers are surprised to learn how limited their view of the audience really is when all the stage lights are turned on. What you might fear as a group of faces staring at you in judgment may just turn out to be an anonymous group of shadows.

Problem: Call us old-fashioned, but when speaking in public, we dont feel were really relating to our audience best if we can think of them as an anonymous group of shadows. If you think not looking at the audience is a good thing, how about just wearing a pair of Blues Brothers shades? Or maybe squinting your eyes really tight, so that the people all become one amorphous blob? Or, better yet, maybe closing your eyes completely!

PublicSpeakingSkills Solution: Actually, learning to adopt proper eye-contact techniques is the key to reducing the self-induced fear factor we spoke of above. More to this point, though, is that to be a truly professional public speaker, to be believed and get your audience behind you, it is essential that you firmly establish eye contact with the individuals in the group.

Ask yourself this: If youre buying a used car and have questions about its history, do you want the dealer to look you in the eye, or to treat you like an anonymous shadow?

But wait - there's more!

T. H., author of Essential Managers Series Making Presentations, DK Publishing:

[When public speaking] try to glance at the whole audience at the start so that they feel involved. Sweep your gaze across the entire audience.

Problem: Yeah, whenever weve got a group that we really need to convince, or whenever trust is an issue, the words glance and gaze come to mind first if were thinking eye contact. We believe people feel a certain level of sincerity with a glance or gaze that you just cant get with that direct, look-me-in-the-eye thing. Also, when we first get up in front of a strange group, we like to get as much visual over-stimulation as possible, just to get that adrenaline pumping at full force!

Public Speaking Skills Solution: The great news here is that when you engage proper presentation skills, its a win-win for all. In all forms of speaking, proper eye contact works for both the audience and the presenter. We show participants the skills required to establish the right amount of contact for every presentation situation; our participants quickly discover for themselves just how comfortable and de-stimulating this can be. In addition, members of the audience feel greater trust, because its hard to believe someone is lying when they look you in the eye.

Finally, one of our favorites:

At, you can take away this useful public speaking tip:

Without doubt the hardest kind of public speaking format to prepare for is speaking impromptu.

PublicSpeakingSkills: We dont think Yogi Berra could have said it any better!

J. Douglas Jefferys is a principal at, a national consulting firm specializing in training businesses of all sizes to communicate for maximum efficiency. On-site classes, public seminars, and high-impact videos. 888-663-7711.Carmen Blog29660
Alice Blog54075

7 Tips for Saving Money on Electricity

According to the United States Department of energy, the average household spends about $1,300 on electricity annually. This is a lot of money and things such as the weather; the types of lights used and the frequent use of appliances are the deciding factors.

Can anything be done to make this go down? The answer is yes. By reading these tips, the money saved can be used for other expenses.

1. The weather surely gets hot in the summer. It could go up to 90 degrees or higher and the only way to stay cool is using an air conditioner. People should use curtains and shades to reduce the effort of this appliance in cooling the room under these hot conditions.

The doors and windows in the house must also be closed so the air doesnt go out enabling it to circulate in the designated area. The filters of this household appliance should be cleaned every 3 months to keep it in good condition.

2. The wattage of the bulbs determines how much electricity is consumed. These should be checked because there are some brands available that are just as bright as others that dont use a lot of power.

3. If there is no one in the room, the lights and other appliances such as the computer must be turned off. This can help prevent overloads or short circuits from happening that may start a fire in the home.

4. Many households have washers and dryers. If the practice is to do the laundry every other day, perhaps doing this twice a week when the load is full is advisable. This can also save some money when paying for gallons of water used during the month.

5. The refrigerator and freezer should be defrosted and cleaned every 2 weeks. This prevents the ice from getting too thick which may cause this machine to break down.

6. People have to cook in order to eat. The person can try using range top burners instead of ovens that use up a lot of electricity.

7. People who live in cold climates need a heater to warm the home. A blanket can be use to wrap around it to lessen the power used inside and while taking a shower.

There are many things that people pay for when owning a home. The homeowner can monitor the electric bills the few past months and see if the steps taken has shown improvements when the next one arrives.

The above article was written by Sarah Miller on behalf of a buzzing online Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Contractors community where homeowners easily and painlessly find the right contractor for their home improvement projects and in turn, contractors can find the right Home Improvement Leads! Also check out the Blog for more related Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Articles and Ideas.Cammie Blog69726
Alyse Blog30152

Home Equity Loan: What You Should Know

Many people are talking about a home equity loan, at work, weekends and even at the dinner table. Why is it the flavor of the month and what should you know about a home equity loan to ensure you stay out of strife if you decide to enter this realm.

Owning your home is a valuable asset for anyone in a lifetime. If you agree to a home equity loan, you are in fact putting this great asset at risk. Home equity loans are appealing due to the low interest rates and (in some cases) the tax deductibility of interest, but they also represent a risky business.

It sometimes has to be faced, if things dont work out. Consider a significant expense and not to having the necessary cash to cover it. Examples of such expenses are medical bills, major house repairs or a childs college education. A home equity loan could be the solution to your financial problems, at least for a short term. By using the equity youve built in your home over time you can borrow a significant amount of money. You have to repay the amount borrowed plus a (usually) low interest over a fixed period of time. If you fail to do this, you may lose your house.

Usually, in order to pay off the entire loan until the fixed time, you are required to make equal monthly payments. The lenders are obliged to disclose all important facts of their home equity plan, all terms and costs, such as the APR, different charges, and payment terms. After you have received this information, lenders do not normally charge any other fee that has not been specified in the plan. When you take on a home equity loan, you have normally had a few days from the day the account was opened to cancel it.

There are some basic although important things you should consider when youre considering a home equity loan, in order to avoid a life changing mistake sometimes.

Firstly, if you have money problems, you must consider other options too, before using the equity in your home. Talk to your creditors or contact a budget counseling organization. A plan that would consolidate or reduce your payments might be enough to get you out-of-trouble. Also ask the opinion of someone other than the lender offering the home equity loan. someone you trust and who is reasonably knowledgeable.

If you decide a home equity loan is what you want, you should research the offers of several lenders, including banks or a credit union.

There are many lenders who make use of abusive lending practices and you must be aware of these practices if you want to minimize your risks. Here are some scenarios of such practices.

Equity stripping. You have built up equity in your home but you dont have much income coming each month and you need money. A lender encourages you to make a home equity loan, even if you explain that your income is not enough to keep up with it. Of course, the lender doesnt care if you are not able to pay, he has nothing to lose, on the contrary, he wins a lot. If you are not cerebral enough to get a realistic view of things and let yourself be easily persuaded you will probably lose your home.

The balloon payment. Youve already made a home equity loan and, fail to pay the mortgages and youre very close to losing your home. Another lender offers to save you by refinancing and lowering your monthly payment. You have to be very attentive regarding the loan terms. The reason why the payments are lower may be that he asks you to repay only the interest rate each month. At the end of the term, you may find you still have to pay the entire amount that you borrowed. This sum is called a balloon payment.

The home improvement loan. A contractor offers to remodel your kitchen, or install a new roof at a low price. You explain you cant afford this, but he offers to arrange finance through a lender he knows. You agree and he begins work. At some point, you are being asked to sign a lot of papers without having enough time to read them and you sign them. Later, you realize youve signed a home equity loan, and even one with aberrant terms and interest rates.

By using the equity in your home, you can benefit by receiving a significant fixed amount of money, repayable over a fixed period, available for any kind of use and at a low interest rate. You may also be allowed to deduct the interest, under the tax law. At a first glance, the home equity loan sounds appealing. But, on the other hand, if you fail to repay, for one reason or another, you may lose your home. Bottom line is that a home equity loan is a good thing if managed and used carefully. If you are considering a home equity loan, you should carefully balance costs vs. benefits, before charging ahead.

Bill Darken - There's a good student loan area along with more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, see it here at home equity loan or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - Blog84379
Aryn Blog47356

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